Recommended Apple (Mac) Systems
We have recommended configurations of Mac systems that address the common use cases within the SCS community. Please consider any special requirements in terms of CPU performance, storage capacity or memory requirements of specialized software or intended use. Some flexibility is possible regarding memory and storage in our configurations.
Please ensure your requested configuration considers your usage, storage and performance requirements as many computers now have permanent, soldered-in memory, storage and/or CPU components and it may not be possible to upgrade later on.
If you are ready to order this equipment, proceed to our online purchasing application.
If you have questions regarding configuration and specs, we are happy to provide consulting. Please request consulting and let us know what questions or concerns you have regarding your selected computer.
Apple Laptops
SCS Computing Facilities includes 4 year AppleCare+ protection with all recommendations. We strongly encourage our community to always order Apple computers with 4 Year AppleCare+ plans. See our warranty considerations for more information. |
14" MacBook Pro Specifications |
16" MacBook Pro Specifications |
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Accessory recommendations available | Accessory recommendations available |
Memory Options: Configurable to 36GB (M4 Max with 14-core CPU), 48GB (M4 Pro and M4 Max with 16-core CPU), or 64GB or 128GB (M4 Max with 16-core CPU). Storage Options: Configurable to 1TB, 2TB, or 4TB; 8TB (M4 Max only) at point of order. |
Memory Options: Configurable to 36GB (M4 Max with 14-core CPU), 48GB (M4 Pro and M4 Max with 16-core CPU), or 64GB or 128GB (M4 Max with 16-core CPU). Storage Options: Configurable to 1TB, 2TB, or 4TB; 8TB (M4 Max only) at point of order. |
Estimated Price: $2,400 *Estimated as configured - Pricing may change without notice. |
Estimated Price: $3,000 *Estimated as configured - Pricing may change without notice. |
Apple Desktops
SCS Computing Facilities includes 4 year AppleCare+ protection with all recommendations. We strongly encourage our community to always order Apple computers with 4 Year AppleCare+ plans. See our warranty considerations for more information.
iMac 24" Retina 4.5K (M4) Specifications |
Mac Studio (M2) Specifications |
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Memory Options: Configurable to 24GB or 32GB unified memory. |
Memory Options: Configurable to 64GB (M2 Max), 96GB (M2 Max with 38-core GPU), or 192GB (M2 Ultra) at point of order. |
Estimated Price: $2,000.00 *Estimated as configured - Pricing may change without notice. |
Estimated Price: $2,200.00 *Estimated as configured - Pricing may change without notice. |
Warranty Considerations
SCS Computing Facilities desktop computing technical staff are vendor certified to make hardware repairs on Apple, Dell and Lenovo equipment. This allows us to order parts for advance replacement and perform repairs on site.
We highly encourage that all equipment be purchased with 4 years of AppleCare+ coverage, specifically AppleCare+ with no service fees for Mac laptops.
Coverage includes the following:
- Your Mac computer
- For Laptops: Battery
- Included accessories such as the power adapter
- Apple memory (RAM)
- For laptops: Coverage for up to two incidents of accidental damage from handling (ADH) per year.
The fine print:
Service coverage is available only for Mac and its original included accessories for protection against (i) defects in materials or workmanship, (ii) batteries that retain less than 80 percent of their original capacity, and (iii) up to two incidents of accidental damage from handling (ADH) resulting from an unexpected and unintentional external event (such as, drops and damage caused by liquid contact) of your Mac per 12-month period from the date of your plan purchase as specified on the original sales receipt.
If you do not have the AppleCare+ plan with no service fees, each incident of ADH is subject to a service fee of $99 per screen-only ADH or external enclosure-only ADH, or $299 for other ADH. If your Mac has catastrophic damage from an accident or it is inoperable after unauthorized modifications, you will need to purchase a replacement. For more information on AppleCare+, visit Apple's website.
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